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The Questions in Job Interviews

Whenever you’re up for a job interview there is always the process of the question and answer portion. This is always present as the written exam parts are usually not used by some companies. The first person that usually asks you these questions is the HR or the human resource person. They are the ones in charge of hiring as well as the welfare of the workers. Now if you have an upcoming job interview then prepare for some hard hitting human resources interview questions. Then again if you are the HR doing the questioning then make sure to have very meaningful questions as well.

What are the usual questions that come up?

  • “Why would you want to work for us” This one is always present as it does bring up a point as to why you would want to work for their company especially if you don’t have the credentials for it.
  • “How do you see yourself years from now” This one is usually irrelevant because it’s hard to tell the future but more on seeing how you would end up. The usual answer is “To still be working for the company” which is again usually irrelevant to the company’s goals.
  • “Would you be willing to work anytime” This one on the other hand is relevant as they want to see how flexible you are in terms of work ethics and schedules.

What are some questions should one ask if they are the HR?

  • “If you would see your colleagues doing illegal things, do you tell us or stick with them?” This is usually a good question but the answer may just be sugarcoating. Then again of course you would know if they are loyal to the company or to their colleagues.
  • “Would you do everything we tell you?” This is more of like a trick question but it’s a good way for you to know if they are confident with their answers.

Just expect the questions from human resource people to be cliché or affiliated with the company.